Dear Mrs Wright,
My name is Folauhola I-auckland Fohe, but you can call me hola. I am at Saint Pius X school at Glen Innes I have a twin sister and her name is Tokilupe, you can call her lupe for short. I am 10 years old, and I have just turned 10 last month with my sister.
I like to get interesting books from you. I like books that are about girls stuff and it is very nice to sit at the beach with a book reading or else play in the sun not getting burned though.
Also my favorite book that I have got is Ej12, the EJ12 has lots and lots of missions and that is why Ej12 is my favourite. There's lots of books that are different which I also like but I can’t remember them all.
I would like to thank you and the Duffy people who give books to us and a very big hug to you all.
Yours sincerely,
Room 3
St Pius X School
Helping the Hungry
1) What is your foundation?
The foundation Auckland city Mission.✔
2) Who do they help?
Auckland City mission helps the hungry and poor people who have no food to eat.✔
3) Where are they based?
Hobson St and Otahuhu offices.✔
4) How do they help?
In every Christmas the Auckland city mission give dresses to other people who has no clothes.✔
5) How do they raise their money?
Auckland city raises money by Fundraising and donations.✔
6) Why do you think they help the hungry?Auckland City helped the hungry because they had no food to eat. ✔
6) Why do you think they help the hungry? The Auckland city helps the poor people because they are poor and they are like us if they don’t get food to eat they will die.✔
7) Explain how you could help the hungry? You could save up some money or you can do a fundraiser too.✔
1) What part of Cybersmart is Garfield discussing? Garfield was discussing about Smart footprint.✔
2) What was Nermo excited about? Nermo was excited about a comic book called the” pet force”.✔
3) How did Nermo get in contact with ComicCat12? Because he signed in, on the chat site.✔
4) Explain why Nermo shouldn’t meet ComicCat12?If Nermo goes and meet Comic-cat12, he might not be the person that he says he is. ✔
5) Why is it important that Nermo is careful about the information he puts online? Because someone might come to Nermo and do something bad to him and that why you should be very careful.✔
6) What does YAPPY stand for?
Y-Your Name.✔
P-Phone number.✔
Y-Your plans.✔