One day there were 3 boys.They lived in Suva, Fiji. Their names were Sam, Peter and Chris.They lived near the sea.One day they went fishing so they could get some fish for dinner that tonight.When they went fishing, they saw the sea was unsettled .They had no idea what to do. Suddenly Sam up with a plan to get three spears which they could use to fish in the shallow waters rather than going into the deep where it was unsettled. They all agreed with Sam’s Idea.
When they came back from getting the spears the sea seemed like it was going low tide, which meant the fish were leaving into the deep. So they came up with another idea to set the fishing nets while the sea was shallow and the next high tide they will hopefully have caught some fish. They tied the net to a nearby tree and dragged the into the sea, the water was very shallow so it was easy. After setting up the nets they waited for the next high-tide.
When the high tide came the had to wait another 2 hours to let the net trap some fish. When they pulled up the net there were plenty of fish and they fish for dinner, there were so many fish that they had alot of leftover fish which they ate the next day.
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl.There names were Jamie and Mike.Mike was an actor.But he makes his own movies with these people. Jamie is his sister.Mike’s job is to find one person to act with him in his movie this year.So that it could be out on the 30th of July.The movie was about a guy who petrade her own sister for 14 years.One day, Jamie had to go to school.MIke had to go to his job every morning at 7:00.Also Jamie was always early to school, at the right time, because of MIke.When MIke went to his Job he saw his boss waiting for me outside.
When MIke out of his car he speed walked to his boss.When he got there. His boss said”Well done Mike , you made it”.Mike Laughed.Then they went inside.When they got inside MIke had to go and changed into his clothes that he was suppose to be in.Then the movie started.When it got to 10:00 then they stop the movie.Because they started the movie from 7:00 all the way to 10:00.They had finished the part of the brother.But next they had to find a girl to do the part of the sister.When Mike’s Job was finished he went to pick up Jamie from school, at 11:00.So When Jamie and Mike got home Mike was thinking about who will get the part for the sister.So Mike think and think until it was 9:00.Then he thought it should be Jamie her sister because she is a little bit crazy I think and a little bit shy. In the morning Mike told his boss that Jamie should take the part for the sister.The boss agreed with what Mike had planned.In the eyeing Mike told Jamie that she should take the part of his movie..Jamie said”Okay.Mike said”great I will call my boss.Then in the morning Jamie didn't went to school.She went to Mike’s job the part.When they got there Mike said to his boss”Boss this is my sister Jamie.And Jamie said”HI.
Hello everybody I HOPE you had a great weekend today. I post this on the blog because I wanted to tell you guys How excited I am.Because Tomorrow I will be going to a birthday party.At Manukau. It called the Flat able World it amazing. I will show you a photo of it. :)
My life in Room 6 is great because everybody is staying on task and finishing their work on time. Some people sadly just sit down and talk throughout the whole subject which isn’t great.
Basically it’s peaceful in our classroom when we group up together for team work because we do more work.
It’s really great to spend time with our pacific teacher Mr.Slade, but at some points in time he just likes to have personal space.
In room 6 we have been working on writing throughout the whole week, like a day or a week at the moment. Mostly we get on with our writing. I like our teacher because he is sporty and he looks like a teacher.
Most of the time people in our classroom are mates, we get to help each other. We have learnt lots of things with Mr. Slade but mostly it is just writing. I think he likes writing more than any other subject. When it comes up to art he is really into it because he loves drawing, Telling us how do we do it.
Mr. Slade is cool and Miss Leaupepe (she was our teacher last term so she only taught us on 2 terms), She taught us lots and lots of things but it was mostly maths, I like maths but sometimes I don’t seem to get it.
Today my coolest teacher : Miss Leaupepe will be going to her new job and she was a fun teacher to me because we laughed and talked about stuff that I don't know about. Today we had a lovely mass today because of her and it was a farewell mass for her today. Miss Leaupepe was our teacher for 2 terms. But their will be another teacher and his name is Mr Slade. He will be changing miss Leaupepe for the rest of the terms. It her first time to go to her new job and she is nervous a bit. Miss Leaupepe has been the really coolest teacher I EVER had. Because she shows us stuff that we don't know and she does tells us things we were supposed to know. Also I would not replace another teacher than Miss Leaupepe because the rest of the term she has been a wonderful teacher for me and Room 6.
I love my teacher and she is just the coolest teacher ever.
I am happy that someone came and replace miss Leaupepe and it Mr Slade again, he is starting on Monday and I hope he will be the best teacher too, like miss Leaupepe. Also I hope I will see her sometimes. I BET!!!! I WILL MISS YOU!!!!!!
I can see the sky’s colour is grey because it a heavy day but sometimes it will be sun shines coming out.
I can feel the wind whistling to me like it saying “BE COLD x 2.
I can see the tree, and it looks like it has no clothes on because the wind keeps blowing it away and away.
I can see the sun trying to push the grey sky away so that he can shine to us.
My news is that I am really excited for netball because, netball is just my thing to play. Also I don’t like sub but that’s the way it going to work out when I play.It great to play with my teams.We play alot and it a tough game for us every tuesday night.
I am not looking forward for the mass tomorrow because my teacher: Miss Leaupepe is leaving to go to her new job at parnell and it at the city she is going to work at National library. ↓
I am excited to do my geometry art. Because it a shape thing and you get to use primary colours I think . But the colours that we got to pick was: Purple and Yellow,
Red and Green, also Blue and Orange.
I was happy when Jackie Thomas won the X factor of New Zealand.Because she has a great voice and it just perfect.
Tell your holiday: Salote stayed home and played with her cousins, She played outside riding bikes. Salote found three kittens, one was grey, blonde and the next one was, black and grey, also the mother was grey. The grey one was Patience. Also the blonde's kittens name is Jackie and the black and grey is Jaguar. The mother is AJ. When she found them then she started feeding them with Whiskers and treats. Also she got water and poured it into the bowl. On Saturday Salote went to see my niece in the hospital. Her name is Arielle.
Highlight: When she found the kittens. Jackie and Patience also Jaguarb even AJ.
Low Light; Staying at home riding bikes with her cousin Joshua, that cry baby. He cries a lot even if you hit him like a bit.
Dreams: Going to Tonga to see her cousin and aunt also Uncle. Going to go Aussie and U.SA to see her cousin and nieces and nephews.
In Term 2, my highlights were.. learning fractions and division facts. It was awesome to know new things about fractions and maths. Also I liked the 3 way conference. I liked the 3 way conference because my dad liked the comment and he was proud and I was proud too. I also really liked all the speakers, they were all great and wonderful and swimming was fun because the water was warm and nice to swim in it.
In Term 2, my lowlights were..I didn't like circuit but you have to be fit. I just didn't like it because some of the exercises was too hard.But I enjoyed some of them.
In Term 3 I’m looking forward to..netball and even looking forward for staying again in room 6 with Miss Leaupepe. She is cool and the best teacher I could ever imagine.
You might have heard of him and you might not have seen him. I have not seen him in real life but he is always there for us everybody. Let me tell you a little bit of Jesus. Jesus can heal people and if you think that he is fake well the only way to prove this to you is to read the bible. Then I will describe him. Jesus is a wonderful man. He even loves his enemies.Jesus died on the cross for our sins.He is a helpful man,He is humble. He is a savior.Also he help people who need help. Jesus might not be rich but he has a lovely heart. To me Jesus is to me like a parent.
Explain you- Hi my name is Folauhola and I am 10 years old. I am room in 6 and am Year 6. I have 4 brothers, and their names are Sione, David, Malakai and Fotu and 4 sisters including my step sister. There names are Sivihiva, Tokilupe and Leka. My mum’s name is Pa’asi and My dad’s name is Sam. My favourite things to eat are mash potatoes and fried chicken. I love music, and I sometimes sing along. I love netball and it’s the only thing that I can think of when I start to play.
Explain Hero- My Hero is my step mum Lydia, because she is always there when I need help. Also she is the only one I can talk too when I am sad. If I can’t concentrate on my work she just helps me to understand things when it’s hard for me. Lydia is the one that I look up too, when I am scared so much.
Explain Future- I want to be a Police, because I think that is a good job for anybody, who actually works hard. Police are a great thing to be, because they can solve problems and stop people by doing the bad things.
Explain Surrounding- I would love to have lots and lots of money and a HUGE 2 story house so that my family can live in it.
Yesterday Room 6 came straight to class and sat on the mat.
I didn’t know why were we on the mat. But the thing is there were a visitor. I had forgotten all about the visitor thing. So when he came I was like oh there he is, but I thought he wasn’t our right visitor and I think he was just a stranger coming to look at our class for no reason. Why? Because he had lots of bag while not that lots but few and a big long canvas
Few second he came in looking around in our class, like i said”he might be a stranger but he wasn’t. First of all he met our teacher which is Miss Leaupepe and his name was Jonny Wartman.
Jonny came and talked to us how he become a graffiti artist, and yeah he is one of them. He said he lived in Christchurch, then came here to Auckland and found his job in here. Also he came because he came to talk to us about success.
He loved his job and it’s amazing, Then it was question time. I asked how many times and people in my class got bored and started to say” Hola you can stop now. But I didn't care because it was fun and I understand what he said. Next I put my hands up too, so that he can pick me so that I can tell him my question but people said” Hola now it the time you can stop someone whispered to me, at the back and I Just put my hands down also he said he likes the Warriors.
Then we went outside because he told us if we wanted to spray some cans on the canvas, we were all exciting and we couldn’t wait patiently so we just rushed out. Before opening the door Miss leaupepe said to sit down and wait. And we did but it didn’t took us that long to sat on the mat. Then we went outside with the canvas also the bag of spray , I was the one who had to carry it, it was kind of heavy, but I managed it.
After that he told us what shall he draw. I couldn't pick what shall we choose because the boys were like Sunset x2 then he did it.
Later on he sprayed lots of can into the canvas when it was finished it was perfect and lovely. And we get to have it .
He was amazing and interesting to me because he said if you want your dream it come true you have to work hard as you can and one day you will end up to it.
Today I want to ask GOD and all those people up in heaven. To look after my family and also Miss Leaupepe’s friends baby. Who just got born. Also please make her welcome to earth. Amen
Dear Lord,
I really try hard on everything, but things just stop me from working. I really want to help me and also Mum, Grandma also my sister. I just want me to get a good Career and FINALLY GET A certificate for once please....THANK YOU! Amen
On Wednesday Nickson came from Mai FM. He told us about his work at Ponsonby.
First of all we started with a prayer together. Then he told us his name, which is Nickson. Later he started telling us about his work. He said he works at Mai FM.
Next when he finished talking about his work he then told us about his friends at his work. 1 was Toast- He told us he always wears jandals in winter. Second Kanoa- she is like their mother and she is always good. Third was their boss, which i didn't know his name. When the boss come they are scared I think.
Nickson wakes up at 3:30 am and he needs to be their at his work at 4:30 am in the morning. But sometimes they are late to work.
Then he recorded us and Taiwan and he told us that If you get a iphone you can play the recorded thing. So he did and it was amazing. And he said it hard to get a job at the radio station that he works at now and he said if you get a job at the radio station you can’t get rid of it.
Nickson said there were only 37 radio stations in Auckland. I thought that it is cool to work in a radio station. Also there are 2 main networks for radio. He said that The Edge radio station is near them. So if Nickson kicks the wall they can actually hear it too. So they might kick on the wall back and you can hear it too. Nickson has a wife and a cat that lives in the house and he is the boss of the house for the day.. I really really enjoyed him coming into our class and also he came with FREE stuff!! AMAZING.....
Today, Saint Josephs came over from Orakei. We celebrated being at a Catholic school. There were lots and lots of Palagi there.
This morning we had a mass with Saint Josephs. We sang songs and they came with their own Priest. Together Father Ioane and their priest did everything in the church together.
When our mass was finished Mrs Tui called out from the list the class that we were supposed to go with.
We ate lunch with them and we went to play. I showed my buddies around our school. One was Martha K the other one was Bella and Francis (she is a girl). They liked our school. I told them do they have a field and they said” Yes we do but it not this big as yours”. Next we had a race. I came fIrst with Martha K together and Bella and Francis came second.
Later, The bell rang and it was time for the concert to start. It was at the hall there were mats and chairs there for us to sit. When The Concert was finished they had to go back to their school.
My highlights for this week is Netball, it was fun but we lost the game. My lowlights for this week is football because it was good, but we didn't try our best. I am looking forward to The swimming pool. I hope it will be much bigger than Last year.